Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Outliers By Malcolm Gladwell - 866 Words

In order to pursue what one wish to be, one must fully understand what they wish to be. As human beings, we desire to become better and achiever greater amounts. In simple words, we want to become an expert of some sort. According to the Oxford Dictionary, an expert is a person who is very knowledgeable about or skillful in a particular area. But with this simple description of an ‘expert’, what does it truly mean? Malcolm Gladwell, a famous writer and speaker, with 10, 000 hours one could succeed to become an expert in a certain area. Gladwell explains his theory of 10, 000 hours in his book, â€Å"The Outliers,† with various examples of not only talented but also respected figures such as an European Violinist, Bill Gates, and even the Beatles. In the book, these figures explain similar yet different situation where after a certain amount of practice or effort, approximately 10, 000 hours, they began to excel in their area of interest. Furthermore, Gladwell exp lains that there are none naturally talented or ‘gifted’ people who reach the level of expertise without a significant input of hours. In order to improve or master in an area, all individuals must contribute the minimum of 10, 000 hours. It is true, through practice and effort one could reach a level of expertise. However, there are different circumstances that oppose this theory, such as the continuously growing information, one’s passion, and the way of learning. In response to Gladwell’s theory, many agree andShow MoreRelatedOutliers, By Malcolm Gladwell1431 Words   |  6 PagesOutliers, written by Malcolm Gladwell, examines the wonder of high achievement, and success frequently attributed to the hard work, determination, and specific talent in individuals. Gladwell succeeds at analyzing judgments and cultural epidemics, while putting his thesis into view, and explaining his proof through a series of short, exemplifying accounts. Stressing the fact t hat hard work is a crucial factor in becoming successful, Gladwell does not deduct the need for discrete skills. Factors suchRead MoreThe Outliers By Malcolm Gladwell2400 Words   |  10 Pagesideas are serious, entertaining or illogical. In The Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, the author uses the book to portray a message about the characteristics needed to become a successful outlier. Are outliers just people who do not fit into mainstream society because they are above average? How does one become an outlier? The author not only answers lingering questions that the readers have about the title, but he also shows a way to become an outlier through various circumstances and situations. In factRead MoreOutliers, By Malcolm Gladwell1245 Words   |  5 Pagesspan of 3 years? Malcolm Gladwell, the author of Outliers, suspects that there is something more behind this occurrence than just a simple coincidence. He asserts that there is no such thing as a self-made man and success does not come from natural talent, rather it comes from extraordinary opportunities and hidden advantages. In Outliers, Gladwell attempts to debunk the myth that people are successful because of themselves, and not because of other factors. Even Malcolm Gladwell acknowledges thatRead MoreOutliers, By Malcolm Gladwell1739 Words   |  7 Pagesfail. In Malcolm Gladwell’s book, Outliers, the reasons for these unusual happenings are explained as he argues that many of the factors ignored by most people actually matter. Throughout the book, Malcolm Gladwell insisted that overlooked factors such as heritage, birthdate, culture, and time period are important in understanding the outliers in society. He used the word â€Å"outliers† to describe the people and events that stand out and throughout the book he uses different examples of â€Å"outliers† to examineRead MoreOutliers by Malcolm Gladwell 1451 Words   |  6 PagesHowever, Malcolm Gladwell sees success in contrast to t he common people. Gladwell believes that success is mainly caused by having the right opportunity and circumstances rather than by working hard. David Karp, founder of the international social networking site Tumblr, is an individual who embodies Gladwell’s phenomenon by having extended advantages that were rare among his peers and having a supportive, relatable lineage that not only lead him to success, but also makes him an Outlier. In OutliersRead MoreThe, Outliers, By Malcolm Gladwell1080 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.† (Jim Rohn) Malcolm Gladwell’s, Outliers, published in 2008, makes arguments about what it means to be successful, and how one can become successful. Gladwell specifically mentions the â€Å"10,000 Hour Rule† which states that anyone who wants to reach a definite level of mastery must perform 10,000 hours of practice until that level is reached. Some believe this rule to be invalid as those who are successful are born talentedRead MoreOutliers, By Malcolm Gladwell2123 Words   |  9 PagesOutliers, a statistical observation that is markedly different in value from the others of the sample. This basically states that anything that lies outside of the norm is an outlier. In the book Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell he focuses on the different set of skills, timing, background, and effort a successful perso n needs to have in order to become successful. Unlike most books or biographies that write about the intelligence and ambition of an individual, this book looks around the individualsRead MoreOutliers : By Malcolm Gladwell1917 Words   |  8 Pages Malcolm Gladwell wrote the book titled Outliers to show the world how unique people got their start and all of the factors and obstacles it takes to succeed in life. Every chapter of this book contains a different success story. At the beginning of each new section, Malcolm describes where each story is taking place and who will be involved. An example of this unique imagery includes the start of the chapter titled, â€Å"The Ethnic Theory of Plane Crashes,† when Malcolm Gladwell described the settingRead MoreOutliers, By Malcolm Gladwell3671 Words   |  15 Pagesthat success can be achieved. With many theories out there on success, it is hard to figure out what is needed to be done to gain success. In everyone’s lives th ere are many different beliefs out there that can lead to it. In the book â€Å"Outliers† by Malcolm Gladwell, there are numerous theories that are covered with examples of successful people. They clearly show how success can be done in not just one way but in many others. The most known people that are considered to be successful are billionairesRead MoreOutliers, By Malcolm Gladwell1541 Words   |  7 PagesEarning large quantities of money seems achievable, it acts as clear-cut goal that people can point to and shout, â€Å"Hey, that’s success!†. Furthermore, personal success does not offer this luxury, and thus evades people to its true meaning. Malcolm Gladwell’s novel, Outliers, demonstrates this principle perfectly. This novel tells the story of â€Å"successful† people; however, according to the definition being explored here, it only examines one aspect of success: societal. This book never mentions the man who

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Riordan Manufacturings Human Resource Information System

Work-Related Project Analysis, Part II Name University of Phoenix – BSA/376 Week Three Instructor 01/23/2011 Work-Related Project Analysis, Part II In this self-starting world, system analysis and design are generally connected with the actions of software development. Systems analysis and systems design are normally theorized as the two main components of a system development. System analysis is the course of exploring a system, detecting problems, supporting the details of a present or planed system, which uses the information to encourage advancements to the system. in the organization which I am employed, there are numerous†¦show more content†¦Processes At the shared head office, the human possessions structure will accrue all files related through the HR sector events on the main attendant. The most recent HRIS structure will be composed of the following, and will be available to all employees in the development of Riordan’s intranet: a) Employee files – Consist of recommences, presentation appraises, and significant material. b) Job descriptions – List of employment duties and informative obligations. c) Electronic job posting – Will tender many settings with a record of occupation openings. d) Employee handbook – Electronic instruction manual accessible for the employees. e) Policies and procedures – Documentation of the corporate guidelines forces and working standards. f) Employee file updates - Delegates the employees to advice about individual information. g) Recruitment – For significant job opportunities, employing skilled applicants. The following records stream graph will display the process that the HR sector will use for new employees. The process will be performed by on-site recruiters. Administrators of the HRIS plan will get total access, and subordinate levels of administration will be allowed access to the information relevant to their job functions. By the restricted area computers, the consumer reference point will authorize the HRIS panel to approach the workstation assistant. InterfacesShow MoreRelatedRiordan Manufacturing Human Resources Analysis986 Words   |  4 PagesRiordan Manufacturing Human Resources Analysis David Chavez BSA/375 October 14, 2010 John R. Rogers â€Å"Riordan Manufacturing, Inc. an industry leader in plastic injection molding and state-of-the-art design capabilities was established in 1991 by Dr. Riordan Plastics, and has earned international acclaim for its innovative plastic designs† (Apollo Group, Inc.,  2006). 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InterviewsTo begin my research, I wouldRead MoreSystem Design for Riordan Manufacturing Human Resources Department1314 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction In the previous section of this service request system solution proposal, we cited Riordan Manufacturing current position in the global plastics manufacturing market as an existing world leader, that has every intent to maintain that namesake by continuing to develop its technology both o the production line as well as behind the scenes where it supports those individuals that work hard every day to keep Riordan Manufacturing in the upper echelon, elite class of global business thatRead MoreService Request SR-rm-022 paper part 11472 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿Introduction Hugh McCaughley, Chief Operations Officer of Riordan Manufacturing has requested a new system for the Human Resources department of their company which would be implemented and utilized at three plant locations and the company headquarters. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Fundamental of Nursing Aged Care Assessment

Question: Describe about the Fundamental of Nursing for Aged Care Assessment. Answer: 1. According to me, Mr. Jack is eligible for getting government assistance because he is more than 75 years of age and lives alone without spouse. Even his son is away from him and only visits him once or twice per year and his daughter, Katie visits him once a fortnight. Nobody is there to take care of him at home. He has fallen down two months ago and land up with major problems in his left arm and knee and is unable to attend his personal needs and go out from his home and so lost his confidence. Therefore he is eligible to get government assistance under Home care packages scheme. 2. As an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) member, I suggest that the most appropriate scheme for Mr. Jack is high level community care. This type of care is provided for Mr. Jack under Level 4 of the home care package as it gives a higher level of care to the eligible people which was provided under the guidelines of Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) assessments in 2015. Furthermore this package is highly structured and coordinated approach for the care of elderly people with more complex needs. As Mr. Jack is 75 years of age with no support at home which could be served by the package as it provides all these support services needed for him by assisting in tasks such as washing clothes and ironing, cleaning the house, gardening and maintaining home. As he is unable to meet his personal needs due to the injury in left arms and legs, this package will provide personal/self-care services such as assistance with mobility, bathing and dressing for him. He is also unable to go out which will be supported by this package by helping him in transport as shopping, visiting health professionals and social activities. It also provides clinical care including access to clinic, nursing, physiotherapy services which was given under Home Care Packages Programme guidelines in 2013 2014. If needed hearing and vision services should be provided. He has lost his confidence due to his inability to perform personal needs which could be overcome by this package. This package is highly flexible in the method of care and is home based which suits for Mr. Jack. 3. Mr. Jack is eligible to get level 4 services in home care package. He has to spend a basic fee of $139.02 from 20th March 2016 to 19th September 2016 and this rate increases on 20th March and 20th September each year which was given in my aged care services in Australia in 2016. This has to be paid by Mr. Jack as a basic amount. He has to get this support as he is alone and is unable to carry out his own personal needs and perform any life activities. In addition to that he has to pay fee depending on his income called as Income-tested care fee. He should pay this fee only if his income is above $25,711.40 per year which was given in Information Booklet on Fees for Home Care Packages in 2015. He can also claim for annual and lifetime caps for the income-tested care fee. 4. He should be assessed for physical, psychological, social, financial and spiritual needs (Douglas, 2012). His level of dependency on others for his personal needs and how well he is able to manage the tasks of everyday life should be assessed. More specifically he should be assessed for the need of assistance in mobility, personal hygiene, etc (Lewis, 2014). He should be assessed for the need of special care in case of hearing and vision problems. Most importantly, the financial status of Mr. Jack should be assessed to aid him for some government assistance if required. As he is alone with no support, his psychosocial needs (counseling needs) should be identified. He should be assessed for clinical needs such as nursing care, physiotherapy as he has problems in his left arm and knee. His spiritual needs should be considered as this plays an important role in the healing of humans especially the old age people. Module 2 Mrs. Kylie, 34 years old woman is basically not a socially active person. She has only few close friends and spends a lot of time with her husband. There are various psychosocial and environmental factors that have contributed most to her poor outcomes. The psychological factors includes unexpected accident, immobility, lack of proper coping mechanisms, impaired body image, social inactiveness, etc has contributed for her poor outcomes (Douglas, 2012). Mrs. Kylie always liked to keep her physically fit but unexpectedly she has met with a motor vehicle accident and unable to perform her work. It embarrasses her to depend on others for support. At present, she has no plan to go back to her work because of her disability and poor coping skills. She couldnt be able to accept and cope with her current situation. She feels socially isolated as she stays in her home and only spends two hours on poker machines. Usually she was also a keen tennis player and played regularly and some cardio tennis but know couldnt play because of her disability. She is socially inactive, so unable to ventilate her problems to others. Mrs. Kylies body image is disturbed due to the spinal cord injury and so feels much inferior. She has negative thoughts and so refuses to participate in social activities. This is a real loss for her and unable to accept the current status (Lewis, 2014). She has fear, and is highly depressed with poor adjustment. Inability in sexual activity due to injury also affects her psychology and causes poor outcomes. Sometimes the financial issues also affect her health. Lack of motivation also affects her health. These changes increases stress leading to poor outcomes. The environmental factors also affect Mrs. Kylies outcome. She did not have an overly active social life prior to her injury but had a few close friends that she saw relatively regularly. After injury, she rarely goes and spends most of the time at home. She is socially inactive, so unable to ventilate her problems to others. This lack of social support is a main environmental factor that has contributed to her poor outcome. 2.Mrs. Kylie had been treated under the Queensland Spinal Cord Injury Service (QSCIS) which is a state-wide rehabilitative service for spinal cord injury patients. Its aim is to empower these people and motivate them to participate in life activities and to improve the quality of life. It has three service delivery points of which the transitional Rehabilitation Program (TRP) and the Spinal Outreach Team (SPOT) are the most important points as they affect the outcome of the patient, if not provided properly. According to QSCIS, TRP is a community based rehabilitation service provided at the time of discharge from rehabilitation centre to the home. It is also due to Mrs. Kylies poor coping skills and inability to accept the reality to overcome her situation. It is a collaborative approach involving various health care professionals. It includes services provided by physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, pharmacists, dieticians, leisure therapist, social workers, and psychologist. They establish a framework to meet the clients needs and empower them by education and support. They promote the participation of client in their needs by overcoming the psychological and environmental barriers and help them to resume their life goals. SPOT helps the spinal cord injury persons to participate in their roles by nurses, occupational therapist, physiotherapist and social workers. They help to reduce the impact of psychosocial and environmental factors on people affected by spinal cord injury through consultation and education which was given in QSCIS services. References Aging and aged care. (2015). Information Booklet on Fees for Home Care Packages and Residential Aged Care for People Entering Care. Retrieved from Douglas, C. (2012). Potter and Perrys Fundamentals of Nursing- Australian version. (4th ed.). St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Home care packages. (2013). Home care packages. Retrieved from ... Health services Health services for older people Home care packages. (2014). Home Care Packages Programme Guidelines. Retrieved from Lewis, S.M., Heitkemper, M. M., Dirksen, S.R. (2013). Medical Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems. (9th ed.). Missouri: Mosby. My aged care. (2015). Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) assessments | My Aged Care. Retrieved from My aged care. (2015). How assessment works | My Aged Care. Retrieved from My aged care. (2016). Help at home: costs explained | My Aged Care. Retrieved from My Aged Care. (2016). Home Care Packages. Retrieved from Queensland Spinal Cord Injuries Service. Queensland Spinal Cord Injuries Service Model -Queensland Health. Retrieved from

Monday, December 2, 2019

Interpretations of “Do the Right Thing” Essay Example

Interpretations of â€Å"Do the Right Thing† Essay Spike Lee’s provocative movie â€Å"Do the Right Thing† came out in 1989. He wrote the script in only two weeks based on an incident in Howard Beach, NY where some blacks were run out of a white pizzeria (â€Å"Spike Lee,â€Å" IMDB, 1). By highlighting issues valid for the African American community that have never previously been explored on film, Lee positions himself in direct opposition to the dominant ideology of American cinema and of the African American middle class,   provoking a cultural debate over color and class. The neighborhood blacks buy pizza at Sals, an Italian joint which features photos of Italians, but none of blacks .One black character, Buggin’ Out ,complains about this situation, while another, Mookie, tries to placate him. The situation eventually grows out of hand, resulting in death for still another black character Radio Raheed at the hands of white police . As a result blacks burn the pizzeria. Although American racism is the central theme of the movie, Lee grew up in a post civil rights era as a middle class black with entrà ©e to Morehouse College and NYU film school. Creating a new black aesthetic, he sees individual power and access to the means of representation as significant goals. However, individual success cannot help group endeavor at elevation (Welsh-Assante, 25). We will write a custom essay sample on Interpretations of â€Å"Do the Right Thing† specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Interpretations of â€Å"Do the Right Thing† specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Interpretations of â€Å"Do the Right Thing† specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Replete with black â€Å"in jokes† and semiotic codes, â€Å"Do the Right Thing† promotes an uncompromising black vision for blacks via the mainstream distribution channels, providing the ability to infiltrate the mainstream white institutions while still providing a sense of the African American perspective. Often linked to his â€Å"race† and his â€Å"community,† Lee nevertheless claims not to speak for all the thirty five million blacks in America. He crossed the   boundaries that separate the field of independent cinema and Hollywood mass distribution . Although stylized, his films  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   have an intense focus on violence. As an auteur, he is the embodiment of style and of the societal and cultural situations that undergird it (Willis, 22). In the time following the release of â€Å"Do the Right Thing,† the film’s message became a site of struggle as journal after journal depicted the debate, placing racism on the side of African American resistance, and calling the movie an incitement to riot. After Radio Raheed’s boom box gets demolished and he dies at the hands of brutal police, the crowd burns Sal’s pizza joint and violence gets out of control.   In a July 18, 1989 article â€Å"How Hot is Too Hot?† Newsweek comments that Lee always favored discord, but nothing like what gets shown on â€Å"Do the Right Thing†. The author of the article considered it the most controversial movie in recent memory and asked how young urban audiences would react to the film’s climatic portrayal of the riot.   It noted that Lee evaded the real issues, substituting pizza politics for the harsh realities of   urban racial conflict by his references to juxtaposed quotes from Malcolm X and Martin Luther King that appear at the end of the film. In another article â€Å"He’s Got to Have His Way,† Jeanne McDonald of Time Magazine   states that â€Å"Lee pressed the right button, acting like an assault rifle. Beneath the arrogance he wore like a badge of honor, lies a more profound racial anger that fueled his move.† (92). Additionally, in a July 3, 1989 article Richard Corliss says that the film is â€Å"like a can of beer in a paper bag- a cool sip of salvation   on a summer day- until it is revealed as a Molotov cocktail.†(45). In an effort to â€Å"get it right† the sociological Eurocentric-American discussion dismisses the film on its own terms. The most appropriate justice the film can provide is the opportunity for blacks, white cops, and Korean grocers equal time to gaze into the camera and mount a string of racial slurs. Using the pizzeria as a basis of personal, family, and community confrontation, the last leading to violence and death, makes this film as real as American cinema gets (Spencer, 228). The physical features of Radio Raheed with his love hate ring (based on Robert Mitchum in â€Å"Night of the Hunter†)and Buggin’ Out with his black power rhetoric, resemble older imagery of the â€Å"brutal negro†. (â€Å"Spike Lee, IMDB, 1). The close up shots of their race and color   mirror societal threats of the young and angry African American, making both political and economic statements by the way they stroll around the community and show the deep culture of the African American culture. What they say resembles the domestic black nationalism of Malcolm X. By putting excerpts of his speeches on film and by having Public Enemy sing â€Å"fight the power,† (â€Å"Them’s that got it, got it; them’s that don’t, don’t†).Lee tries to tell his audience to take charge of the economics in their communities. With the words â€Å"wake up,† Lee convinces   the African American audience that now is the time to â₠¬Å"do the right thing†. However, his â€Å"Bullets and Ballots† speech  Ã‚   does not dictate violence. He states that â€Å"there is good and bad in America. But the bad seems to have all the power and are in the position to block things that you and I need. We need to preserve the right to do what is necessary to bring a conclusion to that situation and it doesn’t mean that I advocate violence, but at the same time I am not against using violence in self defense. I don’t call it violence; I call it intelligence.† (Welsh-Assante,225). Many black women thought Lee’s portrayal of them to be a stereotypical and sexist as   those depicted by white filmmakers, particularly the opening dance sequence performed by Rosie Perez. However, Mookie is not an absentee father, trying to provide for his son, while in an interracial relationship. All this brings the film to a self consciously African American aesthetic showcasing a new breed of African American filmmakers who show the spiritual power of the word exemplified through African American music and language, such as call and response and ebonics. By capturing Brooklyn in the most vibrant   rays and   rhythms, Lee has demystified the black experience. This is his strongest work, (Ibid, 200). Working within the system, he succeeds on his own terms. Robert Ebert in his Book of Film states that â€Å" Lee’s work as a whole has been more perceptive and useful than any other cinematic source in helping us understand the situation of the races in the U. S.† (Ebert, 536). Following Ebert’s statement are some of Lee’s journal entries created during the making of â€Å"Do the Right Thing,† in which Lee says that he is â€Å"blessed with the opportunity to express the views of black people who otherwise don’t have access to power and the media† (â€Å"Spike Lee,† Wikipedia, 1). Lee refuses to produce traditional cinematic grammar and syntax, rejecting the Eurocentric enunciations   and substituting   ebonics and rap. Using the Afrocentric  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   aesthetic demonstrates that the concept of â€Å"nommo† is important. The term refers to the spiritual power of the word, displayed through African American music and language. this causes the film to also work on a structuralist level in which the true nature of things may be supposed not to lie   in the things themselves, but in the relationships which we perceive between them. The concept that the world is composed of relationships instead of things is the first principle of the structuralist mode of thinking. (Hawkes, 2). In other words, the nature of every element in any given situation has no significance by itself, and is in fact determined by its relationship to all the other elements involved in the situation. The attention becomes focused mainly on the form and the importance lies in the work itself and not the author. A distinctive use of language is made, not from the poetic subjects, but on those features that are necessary to language and other solely literary devices such as phonetic patterns, rhyme and metre, the use of sound and meaningful elements in their own right. By making strange poetic art counterbalances the process of habituation encouraged by routine- it defamiliarizes that with which we are   overly familiar and shows a new vision to disrupt stock responses and end by seeing the world instead of just passively recognizing it. This concept of alienation which makes the audience more aware demonstrates that words are not only vehicles for thoughts, but are objects in their own right- a literature of form- a work can only speak of coming into being against a background of speaking of something else. This alienation shocks us out of the aesthetic grip that language has on our perceptions, making us see the structure of language and the world anew ( Stam, 47-54). By using artistic styles of expression such as spirituals, jazz, rhythm and blues, go go, reggae, soul and rap, call and response and ebonics, the African American experience demonstrates the ethos and pathos of the black community by speaking in concrete forms. Bringing spiritual solidarity and power  Ã‚   to the images developed in language, the call and response functions as a type of storytelling. While containing multiple cognitive choices, its meaning is subordinated to the context in which it is used. Additionally, the African American music is accelerated in Lee’s films by still photos and unique camera angles which create a sense of urgency of the social problem embedded in the mode. (Spencer, 64). Levi Strauss worked with structuralism through mythic structure. The use of the structuralized models of myth provides for the reduction of material to manageable levels. The dominant manner to attain this goal is built on the use of the following terms: A) surface and deep structure B) binary oppositions C) mediation To discover the structure of a myth, one must explore its deep structure. The surface structure provides us with the narrative; the deep structure with an explication of the myth which is accomplished by discovering the main binary opposition in the deep structure The binary oppositions occur in nature and in the human mind: concepts of opposition such as black/white; nature/culture; day/night; rich/poor. Such terms change depending on the tale or the myth. A binary opposition can be mediated by discovering a solution(mediation) to the opposition created by the binary components. (Glazer, 2). In any myth the deep structure of the narrative is analyzed through the discovery of binary opposition and the resultant mediation. This process can in itself make new binary oppositions in the story which need to be followed until one comes to a final mediation for the story. Structuralism is an intelligent movement which bases its analysis on the reduction of materials into models referred to as structures. It is paramount to structuralism that it be understood that these structures are not concrete; rather, they are cognitive models of reality. Levi Strauss emphasized that all cultures understood the universe through such models and that mankind comprehends his world on the basis of this mental structure.   (Glazer,2). Thus, structuralism is the study of basic codes which make narrative possible. Saussure, who created this theory, saw everything as textual, composed of signs. Barthes lists five codes of narrative: 1.Proairetic-things in their sequence. 2.Semes- units of meaning 3. Hermeneutic -code of narrative suspense 4. Symbolic-marks out meaning as binary opposition 5. Reference-various bodies of knowledge which constitute the society (Lyre, 1). Structuralism can also be seen as the   study of construing the meaning through the text by repetition with difference. The study of mimesis (content) becomes the study of naturalization- the ways in which we create a sense of reality and meaning from the text. Not only are texts are analyzed for their structure of binary opposition , they are also analyzed as they represent the codes and conventions of the culture (Lyre, 1). There is a deep structure underlying both filmic and linguistic utterances; a given knowledge and a new knowledge. It is important to understand the linguistic filmic utterances. Film narrative theory draws its basic concepts from two primary source of semiotic thought-structuralism and Russian formalism. The question the narrative theory asks of the text of the narrative analysis becomes peeled away   and the natural relationship between signifier and the story   world is revealed, showing the deeper system of cultural association and relationships that are expressed in narrative form. Poetic language is not used in service to the community, but in order to place in the foreground the act of speech itself (Stam, 6). Stam continues that language in film is not a â€Å"mere adjunct to our grasp of reality, but rather   a form of it.† (7).   By making the familiar strange, and providing alienation,   film makes the audience   capable of grasping the new reality that has been hidden underneath the habitual reality. In† Do the Right Thing† not only do the characters need to wake up, but also the audience needs to.   They need to wake up to decades and centuries of cultural oppression that has not necessarily gone away, just been swept under the surface. The black community must develop power themselves. By transforming a habitual surrounding, the pizzeria ,into a strange place of violence and death, Lee shows the audience the racist perspective as embodied in Sal and his prejudiced son, a perspective that must be fought. The framework of structuralism shows that meaning occurs through difference, through binary oppositions.   Noting these binary oppositions of the different ethnic groups who utter racial slurs at one another, and seeing how the whites (cops, pizzeria owners) react to the blacks, imparts this meaning. â€Å" Do the Right Thing† can be studied as a text, a code which has within it   the markings of a larger cultural perspective, containing the idea of the subject as opposed to the idea of the individual. That is what the audience is left with in this movie. Although the death of Radio is tragic, the audience is led through to a larger truth: one of racial unease that continues to exist within different racial groups, despite the current thought that all is well. Signs are ordered through patterns in structuralism. The patterns of oppression continue to appear throughout this film, demonstrating that more work needs to be done in easing tensions between groups. Other signs are the colors which predict the rage to come- predominantly the reds focusing so much through the film. The binary opposition of the groups: blacks versus whites, old versus young, authority versus the dispossessed explain the film in ways that are understandable to all. The film can be viewed as what Levi Strauss termed a mythic structure because these oppositions are apparent to every culture. The mediation to the binary opposition of the races that Lee supplies includes â€Å"fight the power†; the blacks must take back their communities. However, he also adds that he doesn’t advocate violence, so there is no one answer in which to do so. As previously mentioned, more binary oppositions and mediations are often needed until closure actually occurs. Lee has made the familiar community which we all take for granted strange. By doing so, he prompts us to look at the deep structures underlying appearances, to observe the binary oppositions and hope for suitable mediation. As a model of structuralism, â€Å" Do the Right Thing† accomplishes much. As a model of racism, it provides many insights. This is a film of importance.